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Pandemic Aftermath

The Covid pandemic showed us a lot of our true colors and problems in our society. We'd be best to digest them and work on some changes.

I’m back in Canada. I left Canada January 1st, 2020, so I was away for almost 3 years. I essentially waited for sanity to rear its head in Canadian society, until coming home.

During that time of self-exile, I longed to see my aging, ill mother. [I am currently writing a nice piece about her - my rock] Yet, as one of the unvaccinated, I was labeled a heretic by my country, my family, my parents too. I’ll never forget that - how the “powers that be” asked people to put their governments with their “science” ahead of family, of love, of the true ground of our being.

Back now, the messages of “Keep your boosters up to date!” and “Keep your guard up - the next one is around the corner”, still continue to be blared on the national media networks. Despite the science, the data showing increased mortality and harm from vaccination. However, also pleasantly surprised. Much has returned to normal, the fear level has subsided.

I think there is a lot to learn from the pandemic, especially how in the last year, people are speaking out as the invisible restraints dissipate. News is getting out and establishing fact, showing that great errors were made on the part of our governments, in cahoots with business interests. Many of those errors done with the knowledge that they were wrong or at least not wholly true. Faith-based medicine.

An effort to invert the morality of personal health choices and induce people to do things that they did not believe to serve their best interest by framing it as the collective good and therefore an ethical duty. - Bad Cattitude

Essentially, on a societal level, we had a kind of psychosis happen. Very much like religion, we formed a congregation that had no tolerance for disbelievers (the opposite of what science, always questioning and doubting science IS). We were a religious cult that was willing to believe almost anything on scant evidence (like religion), so long as it promises a happy ending. Wear your mask. Wash your feet and hands. Stay home and save lives! Believe in and pray on the altar of Main Stream Media. Do as God/I say and all will work out, be well. Don’t think for yourself, just believe in our word, we represent God (we are the science). And most importantly - seek out and throw out, even burn those heretics! If you do all this - the pandemic will end, and we will defeat evil Covid!

It’s a very religious thing, this clinging to the vaccine as a chocolate Jesus. Read about an esteemed doctor, given an award by the vaunted British Medical Association but then during his acceptance speech/presentation daring to mention a strong study showing vaccine harm and myocarditis. What hell broke loose! He’s now a heretic.

Thank you Christopher Hitchens for instilling in me, how universal and horrid, this religious impulse is.

But there are many more errors and lessons from the pandemic we need to digest - beyond just mass belief in that which there is no proof. Here is my brief rundown of some of these pandemic lessons.

  • I highly recommend reading Dr. Malhotra’s two papers describing his own final conclusions about the pandemic and vaccine. Part 1. Part 2. Youtube. He was on TV early promoting the science and vaccine and cheerleading everyone to get vaccinated. He now sincerely regrets this and the lies he believed.

  1. Our governments lie to us. Emails, and policy statements galore, show us that we were manipulated and lied to. From the origins of the virus to the efficacy of the virus. Lesson: Demand governmental transparency. The public should have complete access to data, to correspondence, to who meets who and who has interests in what.

  2. Business is far up the ass of regulators and our governing elites. Fauci made 5 million over the years of the pandemic (as far as we can tell, probably much more). So many tech companies gained favor and worked with the government to censor society and keep the lid on the lies and the messaging straight. Lesson: Clean up our regulators. Throw out the corrupt politicos. Hold the pharma companies to account and take away their blank check.

  3. The media has been bought up and monopolized. This made it so easy to get people on board through messaging. With groups such as the TNI - Trusted News Network and all the paid-off “fact-checking” services, the major media outlets (as it boldly stated on their webpage), would promote freedom and democracy through censorship. I’m not making this up. Lesson: Demand neutrality by the media and online platforms. Open debate and information. End censorship. Support independent media such as myself.

  4. Vaccines are problematic for coronaviruses and airborne illnesses. The verdict is in on this. The evidence is no longer anecdotal, or suggestive. There is hard empirical evidence that the current vaccinations and boosters are ineffective and as one leading immunologist said, “almost worse than useless”. Lesson: Demand hard testing data, large scale and blind before releasing a vaccine onto the market and into the hands of billions. Pull it, if it isn’t efficacious or causes harm to users.

I will continue this series with more lessons. But the main one is to be critical in your evaluation of medical procedures. Demand consent and control of your own body - no government or business owns that. You are your own sovereign nation of mind and spirit.

And lastly, don’t let your beliefs in religion, government, science or any belief system come between you and the love of your family, the ground zero that is the family.

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Articles, thoughts, entries, posts about our health, Covid 19 and living well.
David Deubelbeiss