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The Art Of Silence

Wasn't it John Cage who said about silence - "there is no such thing but it is very important"

It’s been unsufferably hot here. I’ve spent a good number of years in Korea but this is my first Korean “summer”. Shit, don’t know how anything gets done.

I walk the dog across the street and up into the trees. At least there is some oxygen there. I rest on a nice reclining chair, hell, they even want all the luxuries in the middle of mama nature! The man’s got balls. I got a bathroom behind me, a foot washing station (it is quite the fad here) and also free internet. On a mountain! They want you comfortable so you’ll work your ass off.

I got home. Full of sweat. Thinking of my dog Viernes, her journey here. She’s got a thick passport. She’s my only connection to my blessed Marshmallow, her big brother, who horrifically left us a few years ago. So stuck with her, she’s stuck with me. Sometimes love is what you are stuck with, sometimes the best love is that.

I got home and there was my amigo Enrique, Kike, on Facebook.

I could write a book about Kike. He runs bars, smuggles alcohol to all the desperate people in the world, in Guatemala. Helped me out immensely and is a spirit. We did some work together. He seemed down, love sick. He’s got a dog too - they help us get by. I wrote this poem as we chatted while he tended bar at 3 am and I sent it by messenger. It’s about silence. I’m good at that. Sharing with you.

Now back to my wine. I’m a few bottles in. Celebrating the breaking of the heat. Typhoon something or other was to roar through - all she brought us here in Korea is a little breeze (finally) and a break from the 35+.

Thank god for the little things. Over and out.

- to Kike

Don’t confuse it with a statue.
It moves.
One time you’re up, next yur down.

Don’t mix it up with anything visible.
If you are getting the nth variation of the iPhone
If you are buying Dolce, Guchi, Vuitton and
having your dick sucked by 1,000 dollar whores,
you are on the wrong track, amigo.

You don’t know what status really is.

Cars, watches, yachts … anybody can get this shit.
If you want status be silent.
Find the loudest man in the bar and he’ll have the least respect over time.
Live under the radar.
Beyond the chit-chat and this and that.

Live where words matter and are few.
In silence.

Silence is power over your self,
the world, what science tells you.
Be silent at night. Sleep well.
Be silent at work.

Information is not power but distraction.
You need focus to live well.
Be silent in your daily rituals.
Only in silence will God speak to you.
Be silent in your soul.
Only silence can distance you from emotions,
those dying sparks that come to no good end.

So my friend,
Don’t seek status,
it is a lame duck that will never fly.
So what should you seek?
I told you – silence.
The honor of being a man.
Here and now.

So lovely the silence of a razor
going through a man’s beard
healing the things he never hears.

David Deubelbeiss