Rocks and lakes and trees and rocks and trees and lakes and trees and trees and rocks and lakes and lakes and trees and rocks and trees and lakes and …
A convoy of truckers, 50,000 strong, one part of it 40 miles long has crossed all parts of Canada. Cheered on by millions of Canadians along the way. They are now in Ottawa. The city is closed until vaccine mandates are lifted. The “wackywoke” PM who labeled them “a fringe group” has gone into hiding.
First off I’d like to say that I’ve never seen so many smiling, happy Canadians! Despite the cold, the slush and snow, the wind, they are out there singing, honking, happy as a moose in snow. It’s so so so so so so good to see.
I wrote previously about the Peasants’ Revolt in England 1381 after the terrible pandemic of the time - the Black Plague. There are parallels with what is happening in Canada.
Despite legacy media trying to smear the movement (yes, it is a movement, in just a couple of days they raised over 8 million dollars in individual donations). Despite comments of fringe, radical, terrorists, far right - the truckers have galvanized a big part of the Canadian mind.
The focus is on removing mandates for truckers to cross the border into the US. But it really is about so much more. It’s a catharisis for so many, the cork taken out and finally the relief of doing something about the crazy, draconian policies of their government.
The movement is also about how Canada has changed for the worse over the last 20 years since 9/11. It’s become a less equal society. Prices are through the roof. Most can’t ever afford to own a home. So many are living hand to mouth, especially after 2 years of restrictions. Canadians are fed up of the binary, divisive “media” and group think forced upon them. Canadians want the government to start working for them, not against them. Not for big business any longer. Not for political cronies and the elite. They want a government that listens and right now they are saying, “Enough”.
I’d almost written off my “home and native land”. So proud now. This is the Canada I once knew. Where people stood up for decency. Where everyone was treated equally, as a common “friend” - no matter your pocketbook or status.
This movement also I think speaks to a few more issues. 1. The anger of those vaccinated who feel cheated. They took one for the team and look, it was lies, it was a puppet show and game. 2. The anger of so many having a hard time in Canada financially. Their anger at the subsuburban elites (like JT), all comfy and not realizing the hard-times of so many in their midst. It cuts across the political lines and spectrum.
And the truckers I believe, will win. Not just because they are right, on the right side of history. No. It’s you don’t mess with truckers. Just like the Indian farm protest which won - you don’t take on the salt of the earth and win. Truckers, the hard hat wearing, rugged hammer holding sector of Canada speaks and Canada has no choice but to listen.
I wonder if, like the Peasants’ Revolt, kingpot Trudeau will like young Richard II on the Thames, float a boat down the Ottawa river and shout out his demands in fear of “his” people on the shore, on solid ground? I wonder.
Some of what you said here has happened in my country (Iran) as well such as high prices of house rents, and all kinds of consumer goods with the difference that here if people start revolting, the police either kill, jail or make living more like hell for them (these revolts and protests are always televised). They think televising this would dissuade other people from revolting.