Some of what you said here has happened in my country (Iran) as well such as high prices of house rents, and all kinds of consumer goods with the difference that here if people start revolting, the police either kill, jail or make living more like hell for them (these revolts and protests are always televised). They think televising this would dissuade other people from revolting.

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You make a good point. We are fortunate. I've followed events in Iran for years and it is exasperating for the youth who want a voice. It is kind of ironic. In Canada where you are free to protest, so few seldom do (this protest is VERY rare) and in places like Iran, Venezuela, Egypt, China where you risk death if you protest - many do at times. But I do think that if this continued in Canada for a long time - you'd see force and even shooting. We had it once in Canada - against our indigenous peoples. Terrible crime. Oka Quebec. It was much easier to pull the trigger - they were only natives. We in Canada have done so much that is horrible to this culture, this group of people. Iran too has its minority problems. Like Baluchistan which doesn't get any press. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oka_Crisis

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Wow. Thanks for your comment.

You really follow news of many countries. I know any country has had dark episodes in its history and the more a government tries to oppress minorities, the more it would kill the chance of building a more diverse society.

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